Forensic Economic Analysis
Expert Economic Damages Analysis for Attorneys and Clients
At TD&P, we specialize in Economic Damages analysis for attorneys and their clients. Our services encompass Personal Injury, Business, and Healthcare Litigation. Working closely with attorneys, we understand the specific issues of each case and provide expert analysis to assist the judge or jury in addressing liability and damages effectively.
Medical and Vocational Damages Evaluation
When evaluating medical or vocational damages, we calculate future damages in terms of present value at the time of trial. We utilize specific inflation rates for goods, services, and wages to ensure consistency between inflation and discount rates. Our calculations are regularly updated with the latest time series data from government agencies.
Robust Data Management Resources
At TD&P, we possess robust data management resources, including hardware, software, and skilled staff. This enables us to analyze large data files efficiently. Our team of professionals in Accounting, Economics, Clinical Analysis, and Vocational Evaluation work collaboratively to provide integrated damages analysis.
Collaborative Litigation Support
We work closely with litigators throughout the litigation process, offering our insights from discovery to mediation to trial. Our objective is to fully comprehend the case, develop an independent analysis, and provide a professional critique of the work performed by other experts involved in the litigation.
Recognized Expert Witnesses
TD&P economists are recognized as experts in federal and state courts as well as administrative agencies. We adhere to high standards for admissible expert witness testimony, carefully documenting the data, assumptions, and analytical methods that support our opinions. Our expert reports and witness testimony aim to educate all parties, including the judge and the jury. Through written documents, verbal communication, and visual aids, TD&P effectively communicates complex facts in a clear and concise manner.
Nationwide Consulting Services
TD&P’s consulting services are available nationwide. If you would like to learn more about our Economics team or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at (240) 670-7982 to speak with a member of our team.
Our Services
8403 Colesville Rd, #1100
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(877) 420-8680
About TD&P
TD&P Consulting is a professional services company that specializes in economic damages analysis. It focuses on projecting the reasonable value of future medical expenses and healthcare charges.
(877) 420-8680