Intellectual Property Disputes

Precise Intellectual Property Damages Calculations to Protect Your Assets

Defend or Claim Your IP Rights with Accurate Financial Valuation

Intellectual property disputes can significantly impact a business’s finances. TD&P specializes in calculating damages for patent infringement, trademark disputes, and more. With decades of experience and a history of success, our team ensures fair representation for both plaintiffs and defendants in the Mid-Atlantic.

Services Provided:

  • Patent Infringement Valuation
  • Trademark Dispute Damages
  • Copyright Infringement Valuation

Why TD&P?

Our extensive knowledge of intellectual property law, combined with our experts’ successful experience in the Mid-Atlantic region, ensures that your IP assets are accurately valued and protected.

Typical Success Example: Our expert IP damages calculations, informed by our team’s success in similar cases, secured a $3 million award for a plaintiff in a patent infringement case. On the defense side, our valuation expertise helped settle a trademark dispute for 50% of the original demand.

Protect and value your intellectual property correctly. Contact TD&P today.